Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Cross The Pacific In A Power Boat


My relationship with the disease has always been excellent . Yes in short .. there was always treated with respect : I let them stay and vice versa, although a visit every now and then was a must.
say that before this year, I get sick about once every 3-4 years : need to clarify that the time I was sick dicks bitter, because even when everyone was wrong I was the only healthy, but when I was sick all had colds and I broncoencefalite lethargic acute end-stage chronic . Now I
noticed that it was completely upside down In fact I have already gone 3-4 this year diseases and are also lucky because they were all in the acute stage and therefore treatable only through bites. This also because I get sick when I follow the path that is more or less the following :
- Day " But it does not matter .. it's just a bit of cough and headache .. "
- Second day " the end they only hurt me a little weak bones and I feel cold ..? "
- Day Three: " I think that if I did the analysis find traces of blood in the hours phlegm .. but it will pass .. "
- Day Four:" Mom, I have visions of the best known of the biblical characters and do not believe that the Archangel Gabriel and I have also said that expecting a child, but I do not know if he or whoever .. better call the doctor, you say? .
The doctor arrives, sticks a spoon in my throat, shoots four bullshit, I say to his feet, asking me if I prefer stings or pastigile (specifying that the choice involves different periods of recovery), prescribes medication and then leaves recommending to be more careful.
I swear in all languages \u200b\u200bI know , I resign myself to stitch for the umpteenth time, my ass thank you and I hope to feel better as soon as possible.
Well, I was around the turn of this new disease: the laryngo pharyngitis bronchitis.
Yes, because among other things, think I have the power to resurrect disease disappeared for centuries to merge or 2:00 to 3:00 in order to create new and innovative combinations : in short, making them develop into something bigger, invent diseases . And that is saying something.
But at this point is due learn more about this strange disease .
I say this so that you can imagine what the state is giving birth to this post: more pieces of trash remain the way I look at Heidi rosy cheeks, red nose to the Sbirulino band and burgundy (soaked in ice water for fever) Rambo .
The symptoms and effects of the disease rather have: a fever of 38.2 ° C , head would explode but it remains to haunt me on the neck, a bad cough and continues resounding right in the middle of the chest, throat that resembles a bagpipe and swollen to finish (not recommended for impressionable definition ) phlegm coming out from everywhere . In short, I have whether or not the force of a Mop Vileda after it was in the bathroom uilizzato Brembo service area near Milan.
care instead: six beautiful bites antibiotics for more and apprezzabilissimi tattoo on my butt and six tablets of Prednisone , just to feel a little VIP (Very Important Patient).

And just to confirm my theory: it is true that they are aware of other cases of illness in this period .. but because everyone has a cold and not me?
anyone have an answer to this question?

ill consider positive only for one reason: you lose a pound doing nothing, from the comfort of bed.
deeply I hate to stay in bed doing nothing.


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