Thursday, March 25, 2010

How Long Should I Keep My Weave In


go back to writing the blog after so long is a bit 'like going out with an ex after 10 years no see: a cert
or embarrassment, some undefined emotion, the feeling that you really do not know really.

and then, with some embarrassment, I say to my ex? I'm with facebook ...

start over.

hello, how are you?

so good, you?

at this time I thought of you ... so many times I thought I wanted to write ... then, instead of writing a post, I wrote a status to fb, and I was more comfortable.

are a surface.

true. I could write a post on Costanzo and Maria De Filippi who control the business of entertainment and culture in Italy, I could make the comparison between Mike Bongiorno or baby parcels, and Silvia presented the candidates during the event in San Giovanni I could comment on the concert end Before You Came to the circle of artists or review of the new beach house, my brother advised me dead set ... and instead I wrote a myriad of status to fb and then I joined a group on fb and then I became a fan of a lot of things on fb and then I became friends with a lot of people and I liked a lot of elements on fb. and I have not written more.

're a loser.

true. how can I recover a relationship with you?


but first I have to write something ...

pubblicami and write ...

ok I try. But tomorrow. see you?

do not know. You try it.

meanwhile allotment dalll'ultimo post on the discs of 2009 and a live audience of fbyc ... album of the year.


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