year during the holidays, I have hit only books that I liked, on average, some more and some less.
I have many thoughts on my reading style, chaotic, fast, maybe a little 'surface. Maybe I'm just a mental disorder, but the stories I remain impressed. I try to deepen in retrospect, because too much is the hurry to finish a book I like. then we return.
skippy dies paul murray : on the cover reads: between the young and holden donnie darko. Massimo Coppola, editor of isbn publishing the book, shit out from the vessel, because they're away glimpses of these references. But the story is beautiful. is long. is a story of love and bad luck. even rebellion. a bit 'epic fantasy in the sense of the term, very close to us. Ireland is in the background. There are gray clouds, rain, college and school uniforms. There is anorexia and self-destruction, there is creative madness. Tremonti as if I had been with the cuts to culture, I would have indiscriminately cut at least 100 pages. but they are not, and then leave them to him.
a part of the whole of toldz steve: I would call the better all around . because There is everything in this book. There are parallel stories and flashbacks. Travel and questions. chaos governed by a ridiculous story but almost believable. above all there is "philosophy" to rain. sometimes a bit 'dives, a few times too based on citations. and get the quote to quote. are at least fifty phrases to emphasize in this book. and you would like to repeat. remember. quote precisely. this is perhaps a fault. but the cruel irony is very addictive, and frankly, I did not think that an Australian could write like that. my injury I thought, unconsciously, that Oceania was so far to be almost non-existent. in people, even the authors. distant and insignificant. with a great nature but little "culture" apart from the Aboriginal. is the new continent. exdetenuti fact, Pollyanna and Lucy May. no. it is not. and this book proves it. "There is the theater. Then there's amateur theater. Then there is a group of people who meet by chance in the dark on a stage and make you repent, you the viewer, to be born." here, from memory, I have mentioned. and I did not honor the original.
The Master and Margarita by Bulgakov : ok, I got there late. these are the books that are read in 17 years. and instead I read this summer. better late than never. and I was shocked to read a book if it were was written 10 years ago, would "represent" david lynch. or Tiziano Sclavi. is a book iconography. the devil, the black cat, witches. the bad dwarf. the Grand Guignol, the grotesque. dylan dog. a book is so imaginative to overcome all barriers of time, crossing the Goethe's Faust to reach Mulholland Drive. hated regimes, communists in particular, is a book that made me put the images with whom I lived 10 years from now in a cultural and historical context. It is never too late.
very Loud and Incredibly Close by Jonathan Safran Foer : undoubtedly pop. built to be a best seller. bored to death by the film based on his book everything is illuminated, I have always kept away. at the end, I read it. and is undoubtedly intended to be pop and best seller. but. refined. intelligent. light. ironic. literarily interesting. a bit 'in the clouds, voluntarily. a beautiful writing. history. the war. the Jewish diaspora. 11. childhood and old age. life and death. treated with elegance and with just enough not to be presumed to be disagreeable. you drink in a short time, makes you laugh and also makes the tear down. I'll have to pop? you know what? I read everything is illuminated and then decide. but the book would have to convince me not to eat meat that has written him a good author indie-pop-kosher-vegan, not even slaughtered.
the power of the dog don wislow : what book guys. all in one breath the history of Mexican and South American drug trafficking. relations with the United States, the CIA, the Federales. The Vatican and the theology of liberation. priests and assassins that dialogue with secret agents, Italian-American mob boss who is allied with the Irish killer. the communist revolutions in Latin America and the role of the United States, narrated from within, from many points of view. a history that spans nearly 20 years, from the first 80 to the end of 1990. a language sharp, violent, dry, almost all of this. a fierce tale told as if it were narrated by a storyteller. suffocating, sometimes unacceptable. but you will not fall off, ever. is the power of the dog.
own way, I recommend them.
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