Saturday, July 28, 2007
Does Waxing Eyebrows Change Appearance
Since I have a driver's license, touring far and wide, I think I saw a little all.
On the streets you can meet a variety of different individuals and diverse that we can carry out a comprehensive study of human diversity (no no, racism has nothing to do ..). Only
obviously not around long enough to have explored all the knowledge on "how to kill time in queue on the motorway. "
Brescia east, an accident involving six vehicles including cars and trucks.
Nothing serious apparently.
Apart bestiemme echoing the drivers involved ( Legend has it that the inhabitants of the fourth quarter Oggiaro Milan have picked up, albeit faintly ..).
No deaths, however, a few wounded.
Only problem: cars, auto parts, spare dignity, pieces of glass pieces of cagatechecisiportaquandosivaallago , pieces of shit trying to go even if it is mathematically possible for the three lanes were scattered in order random and chaotic, and so began to hang around and create that cap that would later become, a little later, longer tail I've ever seen in my life (that not even Big Ben to "Thieves" and for "The Valley of the Kings").
where I am.
not to Gardaland, but in the queue.
doing so, you , poor driver with balls turn (because in reality, few are worried that there before, miles away, where you see small flashing Lucette, is not nothing serious happened ..) you have to go the time, because you already know to guess that it will take an infinite thanks to the quad driver in shock-policeman-driver of the ambulance-doctor carroattrezzi (the latter three otherwise referred to as " saltami want to work on him, you and I can not work! ).
But beware, here comes the fun part, a point of the story: the variables are desert heat, people splashed behind the wheel, tail mileage brat who screams like hell of Dante's Inferno, windshield and leather seats that convert cars in a furnace for the chalk, the stress of a day to beat for a square meter on the beach, the sweat that permeates the body now exhausted, lack of a source of music and / or air conditioning, etc. , coexisting or occurring separately, to make a difference.
The possibilities are more or less the following (the ones I have seen):
- air conditioning if you're blessed and you will find a nice diversion in the music while sipping your cocktail with the umbrella ;
- the radio, but if you're sweating like a builder of Bergamo nervously tapping his fingers on the steering wheel at a pace very different from what the music requires ;
- if you have a child who screams like a banshee, opts for 'infanticide, beating strong strong skull Marco and Silvia (all so called eh ..) on horns (there are Ever wonder why you hear honk repeatedly knowing that is useless if not to trigger a chain of S. Antonio beep beep? Here is the answer ..)
- outbursts you things like "But porcaputt .." or "But see if this had happened to me too .." ;
- if you try your all or do you light a cigarette, or if you do not smoke, beginning at that time by sealing the windows and carrying a tube attached to the exhaust inside the car ;
- 's last chance is in taking the time available for cleaning seasonal scaccoli you with fingers that look like corkscrews to find out so much stuff you can get to get out and do so astonished faces .
is yes.
we draw conclusions.
One who, listening to loud music, smoking a cigarette with one hand and the other was for a long while boorish scaccolando sweat ran seemed to be melting, I had never seen .
Before yesterday .
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Best Mid-priced Av Receiver
In the life of a blogger (virtual life I mean) comes sooner or later it's time to make a post points, which usually serves to list of things that have happened and that you wants to give importance and space individually: # 1
two thousand visits reached ('ll look punk but they are also a few for me) # 2
the blog started to be filled comments, anonymous visitors, known and unknown individuals of all races and species and is therefore taking life
# 3 Gryphius pointed me here and hope that someone will click on it, while I thank him
# 4 Last but not least, quite the opposite: visits yesterday, are literally sketched towards' up (something that, following yesterday, does not happen again ..) thanks to someone
- The reason the item # 4 will explain it with simple words: I was adopted .
- The who point # 4 will explain this: a beautiful and very nice girl named Batgirl.
- as the point # 4 (as there was no point in # 4? Well I put the same, otherwise what the hell I bought the poetic license to do on eBay?) I'll explain it this way: this pretty girl has commented positively on Monday one of my posts .. contacted me shortly after .. bla bla bla bla .. " Cenn I adopt you! " .. Cenn fainted, hit his head, stroke .. Trill trill Trill (You can not make too many rings to your contact, so just ok? Ok?) .. Cenn rinviene .. bla bla bla bla .. " Thanks, but are you sure? Aka me? Just me? Look .. ".." Yes yes, I have talked to my pops and I I sign the certificate of trust .. ".. bla bla bla bla .." I am happy but the figure of the crap you do if .. ".. bla bla bla bla for hours and hours in which almost try to convince her to give up but she surely was beside himself, he insisted, and this is the result: advertising blogghistica [from what I've found have been My a lurker (that is my Batgirl a visitor, you realize?): What makes me laugh at first because at least I also visited his blog and not commenting on the second because my eyes would tear counter visits so as not to see her] on his wonderful blog ( the post dedicated to me this is , while in column the left, under " Brad, I adopted a blogger! ", your reference is present as the first and only on the roster so ..).
That girl is kind and patient and then I see not disappoint.
I could say a thousand things, but they would all be in vain: thanks worth a thousand speeches also because such a gesture does not happen every day. And you
blogstars, Laugh Hearing such a speech but yet think, I for one, that there are people around who writes much better, finally someone who appreciates what I do and I found myself keep it close , because these as the title .. am eh satisfaction.
Believe it or not, to me they are. The
are because those who know me know that this blog was born unpretentious and objectives that the undersigned and without knowing the slightest thing were these web-log and now finds himself to take his first steps with someone who helps him after walking on all fours, only the first want you to see walking alone, riding without wheels, to give you confidence and visibility were the ones who do not know .
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Kenwood Vr-5080 Volume Problem
course was not the ' anchiloartrosi spondritica to keep me away from this blog and I hope it does, soon.
order Are you wondering: How the fuck
1 nods to know all these diseases?
2 has suffered?
3 It now suffers? The
4 wished someone or something?
And I would answer in the order: 1
do not know if the disease exists (otherwise I would have put a link espilcativo, no?) because it was obtained by combining 2-3 words in the event that seemed to effect
2 do not know if the disease exists (otherwise I would have put a link espilcativo, no?), because it was obtained by combining 2-3 words at random that seemed to effect
3 do not know if the disease exists (otherwise I would have put a link espilcativo, no?), because it was obtained by combining 2-3 words in case that seemed to effect
4 I do not know even if the disease exists (otherwise I would have put a link espilcativo, no?), because it was obtained by combining 2-3 words in the event that seemed to effect
Fine engraved
But more serious reasons but , but never too , as in the rest of my style.
are things like this to keep me awake at night and away from the keyboard, made me realize how beautiful my city . With a story like that could not be considered one of the most beautiful cities in the world, one of the most romantic .. then refresh your memory:
Warning: below is revealed at all, or part ( depends on how you read the fucking book ), the plot ( this! ).
In the prologue, the choir tells the audience how two noble families of Verona , the Montagues and the Capulets, have been opposed for generations and that "the fatal loins of two enemies follows a pair of lovers, born under bad stars" , whose tragic suicide end the conflict.
The first act begins with a street brawl between the servants of the two families, interrupted by the Prince of Verona , which declares responsible for any further confrontation with their own lives, the leaders of the two families and then disperse the crowd. Paris, a young nobleman, has asked the Capulets to give him his daughter fourteen year old Juliet. Capulet asks him to get his attention during the masked ball of the next day, while her mother, Juliet tries to convince her to accept the offers of Paris. This scene introduces Juliet's nurse, the comic element of drama. Romeo, meanwhile, is in love with Rosaline, a Capulet (character who never appears). Mercutio (Romeo's friend and joined the Prince) and Benvolio (Romeo's cousin) trying in vain to divert his melancholy Romeo, and then decide to go masked to the house of the Capulets, have fun and try to forget. Romeo, Rosaline, which he hopes to see the ball, instead he meets Juliet.
The two men exchanged a few words, but these are sufficient to make them fall in love with each other and kissing. Before the dance ends, the Nurse tells Juliet as Romeo, and (separately) vice versa. Romeo, risking his life, remains in the garden after the Capulet party, and in the famous balcony scene, the two declare their love and decide to marry in secret. The next day, with the help of the Authority, the Franciscan Friar Laurence marries Romeo and Juliet, hoping to bring peace between the two families through their union.
Things fall when Tybalt, Juliet's cousin and irascible temperament, he meets and tries to provoke Romeo to a duel. Romeo refuses to fight against one who is now also his cousin, but Mercutio (unaware of this) to the challenge. Trying to separate them, Romeo inadvertently allows Tybalt Mercutio's wound, dies wishing that "the plague in both your families." Romeo, in anger, kills Tybalt. Prince condemns Romeo to just ' exile (because Mercutio was his kinsman and Romeo has only revenge) will leave the city before dawn the following day. The couple manage to get together one night of love. At dawn, awakened by the song the lark, the herald of the morning (that would be the night song of the nightingale), separate and Romeo flees to Mantua .
Juliet should marry but after three days with Paris. Brother Lorenzo, an expert in medicinal herbs, gives Juliet a potion that will lead to an apparent death by forty-eight hours. Meanwhile, the Friar sends a messenger to inform Romeo so that he can reach it when he wakes up and flee to Mantua .
Unfortunately, the messenger of the friar does not reach Romeo because Mantova is under quarantine for the plague , and Romeo learns from a servant of the family of Juliet's funeral (inconsistency in an interesting story: how he was the servant to return to Mantua after witnessing the "funeral" of Juliet?). Romeo gets a poison, returns to Verona in secret, and forwards in the Capulet crypt, determined to join Juliet in death.
Romeo, after killing Paris in a duel, which he had arrived in crypt, and he looked tenderly Juliet one last time, is poisoned by saying the famous line "And so with a kiss I die" (Act 5 Scene III ). When Juliet wakes up, finding her lover dead beside her and Paris, he stabs with the dagger Romeo.
In the final scene, the two families and the Prince rush to the grave, where Friar Lawrence reveals the love and secret marriage of Romeo and Juliet. The two families, as anticipated in the prologue, are reconciled by the blood of their sons, and put an end to their war.
Thank you for your kind cooperation Wikipedia .
A short story that everyone knows but no one knows exactly , in particular, a story that everyone has dreamed at least once .. Juliet as a love, a love so deep, so sincere, so total.
So there you got a fucking , but honestly to me that I care?
enough that at least I know what I wrote and I'm all right, without a lot of slamming.
But since you've caught the bottadicultura , also leave you fucked : a conversation occurred between me and Fabio on MSN messenger between 00:26 and 00:32 on 24-year-current month-current AC that could be entitled "Night before the exam" .
Carried verbatim :
Cenn writes (0.26):
Rosaline, Benvolio?? but names are? ever heard in Romeo and Juliet .. are there?
son cœur est un luth suspendu: sitôt qu'on touche on the résonne writes (00:27):
I would not be wrong, but should be the former Rosaline and Benvolio in Romeo and Benvolio, I do not remember, Juliet's cousin romeo kills after he had killed Mercutio
Cenn writes (00:27): no
Benvolio and Mercutio's cousin and Romeo's friend
Cenn writes (0.28):
Tybalt is Juliet's cousin
son cœur est un luth suspendu: sitôt qu'on touche on the résonne writes (0.28):
right, Tybalt ...
Cenn writes (0.28):
shakespeare kill
son cœur est un luth suspendu: sitôt qu'on touche on the résonne writes (0.28):
if not already dead ... is a great ... do not hate him just because you read the book!
Cenn writes (0.29):
the resurrected and I kill him
am cœur est un luth suspendu: sitôt qu'on touche on the résonne writes (0.29) is a genius
Cenn writes (0.30):
it goes straight to the blog ..
son cœur est un luth suspendu: sitôt qu'on touche on the résonne writes (0.30):
Cenn writes (0.31):
the discussion .. six live on the blog .. have also signed a release
son cœur est un luth suspendu: sitôt qu'on touche on the résonne writes (0.31):
ok ... you have news from my lawyer ... then I am ... and do not have a degree ... fuck!
Cenn writes (0.32):
good .. write me .. Sometimes I like telecom .. I do not answer .. oh .. I'm dead and resurrected back to study .. after ..
son cœur est un luth suspendu: sitôt qu'on touche on the résonne writes (0.32):
after CIA
not funny?
From director tell me that here lately I just laugh.
Go fuck you. All
Hihihiihihihiiihiihiihihi ( evil laugh).
And then two 30 in one morning I had never taken.
short, Juliet and give me a lift up the world.
Friday, July 20, 2007
What Makeup Do You Use To Make Face Shiny
Thursday, July 19, 2007
How To Find Nvidia Series
There is absolutely no place to hold discussions of this political argument nor I ever will express views on, especially in a public place like a blog. I just found
extremely funny in this movie itself, regardless of whether it is one or the other to be right or wrong.
do not know if there is the consideration of the left, but I guess not.
Well you get the word to those who do not like that , accept this travesty of famous spot for the new Fiat with a smile.
Life is a collection of places and people who write the time. Our time. We grow and mature collecting these experiences. These are then going to define us. Some are more important than others, because they form our character. They teach us the difference between what is right and what is wrong. The difference between good and evil. What to be and what not to be. They teach us who we become. In all this, some people, some things are bound to us so natural and inextricable. We express and support their realization. We justify being authentic and real. And if you really mean something inspired by the way the world changes and evolves. And then belong to us all. And no. belongs to all of us.
Ah, if they were to be kept cool, I'll try to find a PC from which post in prison.
Do not worry, not write "My Prisons" .. nor those of Silvio Pellico, nor those of Fabrizio Corona .. nor those of Cenn.
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
How To Give A Dog A Shot Of Penicilin
Subtitle: too sleepy by the method Cenn ..
I already understood that what awaits me, tonight, is a long ordeal.
I just can not sleep, though I should.
Oh well, everyone needs to, but I more.
thing worse I can not even make me come some thoughts soporific.
Location: porch.
Panorama : sky starry that better than that you could not ask.
Tools : computer , cup mug " It's all about me " carboy to five gallons of the lemon , pads and pencil (why do so many writers in for inspiration ..).
Possible actions: to try to write something here or wander aimlessly network.
But then I realize that many things :
- is very late.
- I sleep.
- what the fuck is to have a notepad that does so much scrittoreincercadiispirazione if there is anyone who can see?
- what the fuck am I doing out of the house there are 49 degrees in the shade (but if it's night?) when I'll have a refrigerator and an air conditioner ready to embrace passionately ?
- how the hell I found myself there on the veranda though now I regret to be here?
- mosquitoes elected me "Target delll'anno" .
But I who am the son of a bitch who have icontrato, I have not scratched any of their bites .
And so I shall have my revenge : with selfless do into the house, take the Autan , vent cap, to me the entire contents on , point all the lights in my direction and expect to spray antiinsettimalefici can do his duty.
Porto patience a few minutes.
Start with the body count .
And as with the sheep, after a while, I fell asleep .
What do you say will work?
Ps - If you get eaten alive by mosquitoes poisoned, I thank you all for your kind attention given me during these two months and broken.
Ps 2 - McGyver in terms of creativity makes me a blowjob.
Monday, July 16, 2007
Rubber Bath Mats Without Suction Cups
I've always wondered if sooner or later close planet Earth in a glass case and will operate those conditioners giants that NASA keeps us hidden from who knows what.
Well if they're going to do, which is sbrighino because here you die.
I decided to move in the refrigerated meat at the supermarket , so if you are looking for me, you know where to find me.
In the remote event of a sudden collapse, I borrow one of those cold rooms where they put the dead to the morgue . I hope so
in moderate turnout of corpses or not find the place.
Saturday, July 14, 2007
How To Make A Wwe Real Scale Ring
Tg1 television news has always been the Italians, Italy ( etc etc), because the first created and why it is always room to keep intact, with his robe, the criterion of absolute objectivity ( etc etc blah blah blah ).
has just aired a service where a gas station ( with a clear emphasis Roman ) commented that an accident occurred not far from its service area located on the motorway
"But you see them 'sti guys they move from here to refueling, they do vomit sur yard, go .. are 'mbriaghi, without lost .. and then when they see how it goes .. .
Friday, July 13, 2007
Mario Salieri Free Watch
That this is not a blog for those with the uppercase "B" it was understood, but it's been a while of days I noticed the strange presence of an anonymous which is between post and comments of my own personal virtual summa of crap.
Ok, all blogs have more lurker that commentators, because it's always been like that: not everyone will and courage to put your name, your link or anything else to comment on a blog, then read it just , take what they need to take and leave no trace of their passage, if not in a counter.
You just know that someone has passed, but could be anyone, even one that arrived here thanks to the most weird search key, found it nice that I wrote about what he wanted and then started to follow me or even disgusting.
then oh well we are friends, acquaintances (virtual or not) and those occasionally comment, but they, too, until I write crap, what the fuck want to comment on?
If I were them I will not comment.
So even when they are willing to express an opinion they do, when no, no. But what unites them all is the fact that they put the name, a nick, any thing to be recognized. The anonymous
no: puts the nick "Anonymous" because it allows him Blogspot and wears the mask that protects and I do not know whether to hate or take it with curiosity. At the end
think if I were to say that I am a " facciadimerdatestadicazzobuffone " .. Then you go to find out who is to answer that this is a " facciadiculotestadipenemenestrello .
You say: "Anyway, you've exposed by opening a blog with the possibility of being able to comment what do you want?". And
Cenn reply: "Yes, but not that I step in random blogs and comment on the case, try for me the first idea..
But fortunately it is not my case because for now the only Anonymous that is around four to four these white pages is a courageous character (comment Blog Cenn do not think is reason for pride in the evenings with friends ..) which I outlined a brief profile (with the only certainty that I received from comments who left in each of the post that I will mention shortly):
1. appreciated Hostel Part II (of which I was so badly written) and familiar with "The Neverending Story" - comment
2. Mika is crazy about [if man and says she loves is gay, if she is a woman .. well .. Mika is not it just a symbol of masculinity (nothing against gay people that I always supported .. so do not misunderstand)] - comment
3. does not love the sport after sport or maybe because boring - comment
4. say that I find it better to write rubbish and encourages me to continue to do so because they are more fun (but on what basis?) - comment
5. is intrigued by the lumps of sugar, by the Lumière brothers, from the bowling alley, from glass bottles that when it snows in the shake (but these things have a name?) And perhaps from the Sagrada Familia - comment
6. has a passion for her breasts (well but who does not have it?) - comment
7. use friendly tones and is signed by "the same old dear ANONYMOUS" (as if every anonymous blogger touch his staff ..) - comment
8. the question " Anonymous .. but who the hell are you?? " he replied, "Well , an anonymous anonymous .. or else be of anonymity and what the fuck!?! - comment
9. comments at times absurd - what you see in all the comments preceded the
What intrigues me most is, however, Step 4: write too few rubbish than you think to say such a thing . Or the person in question knows me and does not like to reveal itself for what reason I do not know or understand everything about me has only to read two lines on a stupid blog. In this case, a future in the intelligence services is assured.
But then what the fuck I'm here to complain and try to understand. At the end
comment on what the fuck he wants and how he wants, especially because now days it does not (and even beginning to worry me) .. will also be because I did not write much, but if it is a real time waster should comment on anything (because I do not know if I follow the first few days and came forward only now with these tips, or have recently started) ..
But no matter: Anonymous I like this.
I really like, I can feel mine.
I like his style but at the same time pissed affectionate (at the end tips are always those who wrote) because it's like if you would tell me it's like to find some type of post if I want to continue to follow me.
I like it because it's always nice to know that someone follows you, take what they want and then at the end while not knowing you, you appreciate and even suggests something.
There are people who would have their own fake cards for anonymous, as there are people who hate them.
Well I my me I keep it close because it tickles me.
This post is dedicated to you, you're nice, so much.
* the term anonymous is always accompanied by words adjacent to the male, but the true identity not yet known.
if it's anonymous, it was thanks pussy.
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Fisher Price Step Lock Gate Instructions
always looking for shit to hear that news that is elusive Open Studio, I have heard of the 25/12 edition (it's also the odd time ..) news that lesser but Safiria Leccese introduced more or less so:
" Pope has just arrived at the site of summer vacation and already runs the voice of a small miracle: a lightning bolt hit a local policeman who escaped unhurt. .
Cenn wanted to imagine it this way:
" The Pope has just arrived at the site of summer vacation and already runs the voice of a small miracle: Lightning strikes local police officer and then committed suicide, torn by a sense of guilt. . If
had to be a miracle, that miracle was then.