Thursday, October 25, 2007
Supposed To Start My Period Brownish Mucus
I noted with pleasure sadistic [ because I'm a real bastard ] that almost all of the blogosphere as I am concerned closely , remained dry posts for a relatively long period [ although it is not right along, we do that everything is relative ]. I say this to point out here that I miss from October 5, but is not that the others have produced a number of posts crazy and outrageous as to force you to hours of daily reading crazy [ and blame game all the friendships grown in recent months ]. Yes
here .. maybe I exaggerated a bit with the holidays, but or here we were all asleep and we were awakened mass between yesterday and today with the sole objective of creating a post for less readable or no one knew that writing or, more plausibly, each had their cocks to do . Cenn for example, in addition to have fallen into a deep mystical crisis that led him to not knowing what to write beautiful, did not see the shadow of a PC except for a few minutes a day in this period because he had something else to think : I wish to state that instead of you all, my beloved readers , I thought every second of my existence [ hoping that if the drink ] (oops, maybe I could have avoided the last parentheses).
But I also understand that my twenty days without a post , must be a heartbreaking thing a nerve: a thing that slays in [ but as I'm good and modest, I ].
No, because if not, here always feel like the only one never to be a dick and I pull the cart blogosphere we always think the other . And since I know that there are definitely missed, here I am writing a post on this "blank page syndrome " I find myself in this period. Or better not to write nothing: follow me here comes the fun part. Since
still do not know exactly what to write, why not "take two fatties with a shovel " writing a post that combines business with pleasure?
That is, you miss my post? Well, write it .
And since you miss my post , not for whatever strange reason, but simply because every time I come here you find yourself reading the same way for too long [ title that among other things broke well me], here's a post filler.
E 'twenty-five lines that turn around nothing (as a student who can not answer the question of the professor), because in reality this did not post a topic has no task was created with the sole intention of taking up space and useless , not to talk about nothing does not of itself [ the maximum of self ] and to deny rumors that they gave me for dead or worse, I described how a machine sparapost .
If you're wondering when I get to the point .. Well the answer is alas negative: there is no point to be addressed and if there was, find him alone because surely you have already addressed a few lines ago.
With this, over and out because I think I have too much advantage of your patience.
[ ... ] my personal account
(...) fact
Friday, October 5, 2007
Essence Of Beauty, Toronto
Subtitle: Why I do it I know a parcel of Venice .. and will prove this.
1. Venice is a city so elegant , what are your visitors boor. The average tourist who wanders the city has usually look like this: hat, vest stolen from the Spring / Summer 2008 line of designer Edilponteggi Bergamo di Sotto, pants fabric is not well defined, but the important thing is that it is short, gray sock foam when it becomes clear that MAVIDA sweat has the advantage of becoming an elegant two-tone style sock with salt and pepper, sandalwood imitation of the original model San Francisco, possibly autographed by the saint himself, and then a simple backpack mountain the size of a chest of drawers. Ah, the subject being described can not explain why they can not have free access to churches .
2. indigenous people (the site) is very strange : Dodge, cold and if you see difficulty in the declines responsibility in case, maybe gives you directions and approximate unconvincing. It should then always own head and not to trust:
Cenn " Excuse me, I should go .. "
Native : "Look, or here or here for eight .. comes to us tonight .. "
Cenn " Yes, thanks to the cock while they are only two! "
When you arrive you think to yourself ironically" The beginner's luck .. think that ass! .
3. Without boat , gondolas and boats various Venice would not be the city we know , if only because in every city in the world do the "car-free Sundays ", while in Venice the "vaporetto free Sundays" is utopia.
4. I think the City council has launched an importation of illegal foreign (for Venetian doc is simply an alien who arrives in Venice from the Liberty Bridge), because it is full of beautiful tose, but no is the place.
5. I have not seen anyone greet someone and the only two who did, have given this greeting: "Yo brother ..". And that is saying something.
6. There the same percentage of thefts that we find in Naples : I attended three muggings in half an hour, not to mention that as usual, no one has done anything, that the objectives are always the older people and yell "Al thief! "does not do shit. Just to debunk some urban legend .
7. The phrase " Bel raCazzone, 54 Ni, only activists, 329xxxxxxx, call ", read in the bathroom of Saint Lucia Station in Venice, left me quite dumbfounded .
8. I did half way back with a English gentleman sitting across from me who had the device for the hearing, the shirt stained with gravy, a bird shit on the bag as big as his hand, but that looked vaguely JR of Dallas. Do you not?
No. 9. As a souvenir could choose between four things :
- gondolier's hat
- thimble ceramic depicting the Bridge of Sighs
- glass ball with snow in Venice
- head of the Ponte dei Scalzi pigeon (though not is Piazza San Marco, it remains prestigious)
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Cross The Pacific In A Power Boat
My relationship with the disease has always been excellent . Yes in short .. there was always treated with respect : I let them stay and vice versa, although a visit every now and then was a must.
say that before this year, I get sick about once every 3-4 years : need to clarify that the time I was sick dicks bitter, because even when everyone was wrong I was the only healthy, but when I was sick all had colds and I broncoencefalite lethargic acute end-stage chronic . Now I
noticed that it was completely upside down In fact I have already gone 3-4 this year diseases and are also lucky because they were all in the acute stage and therefore treatable only through bites. This also because I get sick when I follow the path that is more or less the following :
- Day " But it does not matter .. it's just a bit of cough and headache .. "
- Second day " the end they only hurt me a little weak bones and I feel cold ..? "
- Day Three: " I think that if I did the analysis find traces of blood in the hours phlegm .. but it will pass .. "
- Day Four:" Mom, I have visions of the best known of the biblical characters and do not believe that the Archangel Gabriel and I have also said that expecting a child, but I do not know if he or whoever .. better call the doctor, you say? .
The doctor arrives, sticks a spoon in my throat, shoots four bullshit, I say to his feet, asking me if I prefer stings or pastigile (specifying that the choice involves different periods of recovery), prescribes medication and then leaves recommending to be more careful.
I swear in all languages \u200b\u200bI know , I resign myself to stitch for the umpteenth time, my ass thank you and I hope to feel better as soon as possible.
Well, I was around the turn of this new disease: the laryngo pharyngitis bronchitis.
Yes, because among other things, think I have the power to resurrect disease disappeared for centuries to merge or 2:00 to 3:00 in order to create new and innovative combinations : in short, making them develop into something bigger, invent diseases . And that is saying something.
But at this point is due learn more about this strange disease .
I say this so that you can imagine what the state is giving birth to this post: more pieces of trash remain the way I look at Heidi rosy cheeks, red nose to the Sbirulino band and burgundy (soaked in ice water for fever) Rambo .
The symptoms and effects of the disease rather have: a fever of 38.2 ° C , head would explode but it remains to haunt me on the neck, a bad cough and continues resounding right in the middle of the chest, throat that resembles a bagpipe and swollen to finish (not recommended for impressionable definition ) phlegm coming out from everywhere . In short, I have whether or not the force of a Mop Vileda after it was in the bathroom uilizzato Brembo service area near Milan.
care instead: six beautiful bites antibiotics for more and apprezzabilissimi tattoo on my butt and six tablets of Prednisone , just to feel a little VIP (Very Important Patient).
And just to confirm my theory: it is true that they are aware of other cases of illness in this period .. but because everyone has a cold and not me?
anyone have an answer to this question?
ill consider positive only for one reason: you lose a pound doing nothing, from the comfort of bed.
deeply I hate to stay in bed doing nothing.
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Kates Playground Cigarette
Subtitle: Confession tour ( de Cock my them ..).
Seizing "happily" invitation Gryphius (scherzo.. .. But not too much), decide to participate in this meme whose rules are very simple: we must speak of eight made where they concern themselves in a post dedicated , click on the tag eight other people and tell them they are tagged (and, of course, remember to post the rules!).
But first I would like to make a small clarification.Who really knows me, knows I have always told me these words: "If all those who think they know me, they were one day and put together everything they know me, yes and no quarter would be able to rebuild my life .. and by the way would be the fourth most normal .. "
So, just to let you know I use this metaphor: it is as if they had a thousand pieces available to make a puzzle it says on the packaging of which 4000 pieces. And while it would be bitter cocks, let alone the puzzle in question is a landscape and the pieces are the ones who have to dial the house with the fireplace and the fence Featured , but lack of the three thousand blue sky (not even a cloud / benchmark for more).
I say this so that you can take with a certain lightness that write, because there will be little things that can be added to the pieces already made available to all, my cock in the piazza not put them there, and then settle .
So here my little secret :
- Listening plenty of music, but I only have two original CDs and more gifted. I watch plenty of movies, but I only have an original DVD, I bought this time.
- I stopped believing in God after having known him.
- Dear Roommate of that extraordinary trip to Paris in high school, I wanted to tell you that those slices of salami ritrovasti with vomiting in your red Converse .. well .. was all on my stomach.
- Yes, Professor of Italian in high school .. the one I had on the bench when he called me back that time, was the Gazzetta dello Sport and the pink sheet for the license, as I sustained to exonerate his infamous charge of "student-part-time .
- do not know whether or not there are ghosts, but that night after the barbecue succeeded strange things, too weird to be human (here I the testimony of six others who were with me .. no, we were not drunk) ..
- I also a couple of times I wore flip-flops (brrr). But then, who has not done crap as a young man?
- Did I open the bottle of champagne at midnight on December 31, 2004 that once drained all, someone has done to throw at police. Ensued a melee involving about one million people (or so the newspapers reported the next day). That bottle in Plaza Catalunya in Barcelona, \u200b\u200bwould never have been there: it was forbidden, but no one had checked. We realized something was wrong just because we were the only ones who have uncorked something.
- cool room full of people talking. He approaches a seller of Indian roses (those that have this everywhere you go there? Only that seem to many, but in the end is always the same .. how the hell we are able only they know ..) to harass a girl and I send him to the way I do: "No thanks, I quit.". Only at that moment no one knows what strange silence of the stars, all they were doing, but only for those two seconds and a few cents, eh. Fortunately my gall saved me from a colossal figure of shit.
Well .. with regard to all the others could do the following: Notify you autoinvitatevi and participated in the meme in the comments, so come and visit.
I'd be honored.
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Safenet Superpro Ultrapro

1 Homer ( watching television ): "Marge, that silo of pig shit could be anyone .."
- Grandpa Simpson: "I am in the crowd!" 3
Grandpa Simpson: "That crazy old man in church was right about everything!" 4
Cletus: "I do not want to know how I can do?"
- EPA Chief: "Six generations of inbreeding?"
And I think that will make you laugh, too.
I hope.
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Talent For The Adult Film Industry
No, I do not kidnapped.
Yes, I miss the time .
No, I escaped.
Yes, I miss the time .
No, I do not write from beyond.
Yes, I miss the time, but I still remember that I must breathe to live .
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
Gall Stones In Unborns
but neither do you, then that joke is not that much ..
Which is not to offend anyone, but just to say that if latito here, it's because ten days ago I just said that I could manage my time to devote to the blog with some consistency : these are what defines a way of saying "the last words famous.
And it's all the fault of life, my time is that in this hectic , full , mess.
I have to make decisions (not easy) and I have to show , myself first and foremost, to have his head (at least) to get what they really want.
A bit like getting into a cab dressed Cenn (the superhero fancazzisti ) and come out dressed as a normal boy : which is a bit the opposite of what he does now that I think Superman . In short, your Supercenn should dress Clark Cenn .. at least for this period.
And since the undersigned is a slothful with controcazzi, I would say that the mission is almost impossible . But mind you, that if I succeed, I'll have to kiss the ass by some people.
Note -> Cenn = slothful type = lingers voluptuously The slothful idleness and error. He knows what his commitments, but still not absolve them, they reduce the scope, it is themselves that little things and send them does not lead to serious consequences.
definition which also justifies the week entire past not post . Yes, because you want to say: "I can not find the button New post
So if they are not here , look well in a few cabins .. dressing rooms of clothing stores including : department pretty young woman, maybe even wealthy ".. course.
Friday, August 31, 2007
How To Fix White On Lcd Tv Screen
That Blog Day 2007.
Today, in fact, is the day devoted to (us) bloggers : a bit like the party dell'arrosto veal in a crust, only this is known internationally and throughout the world. They know it all so to speak, because in the end the only celebrate bloggers.
This is my first Blog Day and celebrate breaking through the front door, or at least not by knocking .
fact this morning, after going on the blog, I realized that he had an above average number of hits and my reaction was almost this: " What the hell happened?" Someone must have searched information on office supplies tonight or none of this is explained .. Cenn investigates, explores .. ".
time one minute and discover that they have entered into topFIVE Gryphius of whom I thank because I always showed respect and trust. very nice also its caption espilcativa the content of my blog.
Blog Day is simple:
is celebrated every year and the anniversary falls on August 31 precisely because, according to some, the date "3108" is very similar to the word blog (as you can see the badge at the beginning of post).
E 'began with the belief that bloggers should have one day to devote to know other bloggers from other countries or areas of interest. On that day Bloggers will recommend them to their visitors. BlogDay every blogger will post a recommendation of 5 new Blogs, preferably blog different from their own culture, from their point of view and their attitudes. That day, all blog readers will find themselves leaping and discovering new, unknown blogs.
And since the rules are simple and easy to understand, here are my five recommended *:
1. KAN.NET , there was a guy like me .. Burst shooting crap here so I could sum it up so his blog. His stories are not, I post short, effective, incisive .. maybe like real teeth, leave a mark. The flash that they give you a smile. His dementia is unique and growing.
2. Casape , because even a photo blog can be worth a thousand words. Recently discovered, some of his photos are just cool. Atmospheric and exceptional portraitist.
3. headlights, better known as Makmad83, the pen is faster than WestBlog. Cartoonist Journal of the likes of Sw4n Greenwich and is able to make beautiful post, beautiful. A blog before to read, see. Absolutely.
4. andreblog , because it is a header made known. A blog that speaks and revolves around the graphics and Youtube employee.
5. cinqueinaffitto , I put a blog in many authors because I wanted to reward each of them individually, but rules are rules. Blog famous and popular, but how can you not recommend to my visitors as much funny as funny emoticons that are part of the apartment in Love? Why me, with these here, I do it big laughs. Tenants to be discovered individually.
* Unique but having to specify:
may be reported to me that blogs do not strictly belong to the category "preferably blog different from their own culture, from their point of view and their attitudes" as if they were so far from I'd read them to do? What is the point would read a blog such as Malaysian (shit, this is far .. even geographically)? Also calculated that having recently entered the world of Blogger is much less likely that he is aware of the reader and may be already known to most people. I also hope that anyone who was not named, do not be angry, but the great would not make sense to name them, as some know them all and do not need some of my advertising.
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Mount And Blade Memory
If you want to make a man happy Cenn , bring in a stationery store, namely in a wholesale stationery products (perhaps the one where I was today).
I nearly came a heart attack when I saw all that stuff , so much so that a bit like Pinocchio in Toyland I felt because we did not know where to look, what to do, where to go (in fact an idiot ) many memories of some years ago (several in fact) with mom and dad, it was the " take the impossible and throw in the cart " shortly before the start of the school year. Nostalgia short, the period when I used the Set the Das the Pongo, the Maxi Turbo of Fila , pastels Faber Castell , paper for Collage , the Uni Posca (mostly used by girls to their Smemoranda ) , the Section Pen the Pilot the Bic , Stabilo highlighters , the indelible black marker Section with chisel tip, the Coccoina (the glue with the smell of barley water .. that nasty thought ..) , the rubber gasket, those huge green tires lasted throughout the elementary and medium-cycle higher and perhaps you still pieces around the house if you look carefully, the Post-it , tabs bookmarks, cutters, staplers and the so on and so forth .
nice to know that despite the years pass , the tots and kids use things that have contributed to my ( judge you based on this post if good or not ) growth.
wake of full enthusiasm, because I nuances (paints and crayons my specialties) eat them for breakfast, it was all a test test: try the three tips of Pantone electric blue, write to Pilot pink sottilinea with quell'evidenziatore, fill spaces with that Caran d'Ache green sniffs that pencil.
Yes, if there is one thing that I venerate compulsive disorder (manic figure who the fuck ..) is the smell of new pencils and crayons : a smell that is unrivaled , perhaps only with gasoline may end in a draw. I lose myself in the smell. Maybe others will be even as bad smell, but I like it.
so used that I realized that it was very late: time in certain places in certain situations seems to stop but then so much the case (where you would like to have the Visa Black to buy the whole shebang), all these eulogies mica make them.
short, today's lesson is :
" If you are a girl and you have to go out with Cenn you have two options:
1. Bring in a stationery shop and spend 100 (percent) in € bullshit: he'll be in seventh heaven and thank you very much.
2. Take a ride out of nowhere and then remove the bag from the pocket or sleeve pencil brand new, pass under his nose and he will fall to your feet. "
Well you want, I'm a boy that, among other things, he can also be satisfied with little.
Meanwhile, a pencil sharpener in my pocket I carry it always.
Monday, August 27, 2007
Storage Under Boat Floor
That's not a nice way of saying to women " E 'come the grinder (which if anyone does not know is that women who file small knives, and turn umbrellas, straighten bananas his ass, etc etc. ..) ! ( tone megaphones ) ".
'm back , I think he understood.
And now, after all there was to do, here I am post on the blog.
's just that these holidays have flown (good thing because it means that I enjoyed but also negative because it means that they are finite).
In short, all this is to say that my cycle was starting already tram tram (routine that I just do not like as an expression) daily. I noticed immediately after unpacked and turned on the computer: see here, you there, write here, read there, Mark this, reply to, sfanculizza she thanked him .. Fortunately, everything went smooth (why not .. with the bad luck that I could find the pc .. and pissed on strike because I have not taken on holiday with me eh ..) but struggling to recover virtual ten days of life.
Although I must say that I had already happened to be without computer for a long time, this time was different: there if you have the PC to a meter and you can not use it you rode your ass while if you have not just physically, you get the peace of mind and maybe if you do not think just because your head busy to have fun, do not feel absolutely lack .
short holiday, every now and then I missed her gray jacket and frets his soft ones, but above all for a reason, I feel like a fucking vederemi a good movie, as I usually do at night .. regarding the internet part, say that I just felt no nostalgia.
But then, when we got home, I rediscovered the pleasure of risedermici in front and do what I usually do, then it is likely that tonight I'll watch a good movie.
I have a billion things to write, I have witnessed or experienced episodes but I did the accounts of the actual hours of sleep and unfortunately you do not need to use all the fingers of one hand to count : the problem is that the total time comes from total time of closure of the eyelids (a practice that every man is wont to do during the day, just to lubricate the eyes) .. In short, the night I never closed my eyes and then I had to rest every time you blink . In fact that at some point I hope people do not start thinking that I had a twitch or excused because he was gay teasers left and right.
The heat did the rest (40 ° C in the shade, 48 ° C received: I was there!) Cenn then and now is a guy tried exhausted in body and mind at the thought of the monotony that comes with September and its commitments absolutely need.
Maybe I will propose the crap that I have pinned in the coming days (even if they are too reserved to tell you what the hell I did on vacation ..) as soon as I finish things out and left unresolved matters that are matter of life or death (and yes, sometimes even what I do .. I have deadlines).
For now I only have small little things to say :
- infinitely thank those who followed me every day despite has explicitly said that I would not posted a 'H because he is unable
- I could not even do a photo , then farewell to the photo contest have to count to participate and win, of course
- Anonymous Sorry, but you have not done more feel, you no longer showed signs of life and I really do not know if I was or less eager to follow a personalized greeting, it will be for the next time, but in the meantime I invite you to participate more actively , especially because the chance of post about you you got it, but you left all outstanding
- I hope to better organize my to devote time equally to the blog and all the rest although I'm pretty sure you do it because some times the daily shake and me is already swallowing brutally and then tomorrow you put in bad.
I allow myself a "Welcome back" alone, with a post written by fingers and pure instinct.
Yes, I think that is enough for now.
Friday, August 17, 2007
Brownie Badge Placement
. I have not forgotten my loyal , who despite not put anything, give it a look the same to see if somthing new has been published ..
because I have to thank you, although I did not practically on your PC, you no longer posted (perhaps even a fart) and virtually almost the entire blogosphere is on vacation on some island in the Pacific, my counter is not hanged himself.
But now we come to the point (that this way, it seems something nasty to people .. but believe me I have nothing to do anything ..) I give you some news that could have two effects on you : I wait about ten days of vacation, holiday style fucking sun, heart, love and sea .
Here, I knew: many of you have already uncorked the Crystal Magnum version ; while others, in tears and razor blade in hand, you will stand hopelessly overdriven his wrists while for a radius of 300 meters all hear these words, sobbing: "No-ooooo .. .. P-Ce-nnnnnnn erch-èèèèèèè ..".
I know that you can be absolutely without irony and bullshit all my posts, without my blog / sociological eye to the modern landscape, without my misfortunes, without me In short .. or at least that's what I hope.
course I also hope that no one has cut cleanly through the arteries , why else are cazziinculo for all .. in the sense .. Death will find you within a few minutes, but your mother will have to clean jets and several sketches, will haunt you even after death and eternal peace is easy to say .. might not be so.
back to me, leave tomorrow morning by plane and I think for the next 10 (ten) days I will not use the pc ; will not carry it with me not just because I want to pull a little more and maybe come back and chock full of first of ideas to throw it here to share them with you .. I am the Moleskine the port that you never know. This
to tell you that for the next ten days I do not think, unless major changes of mind, will be published post .. then if you ever have a crisis of its withdrawal with seizures, read some nice post of the past: not many will do so not everyone is hard ..
I wanted to accompany the post with a movie (a few minutes ago) me that pack your bags, because in my humble opinion must be wonderful to watch them reverse the wardrobe, drawers and shoe rack in a large suitcase as the hold of an ocean liner and then we jump on it to keep us all, but technical reasons have prevented me .
Ah .. do not leave comments in the usual "Happy Holidays .." .. I would like something more melodramatic as " Oh my God. .. and now as I'm already bad: I'm going to inject 2 cc BRIEF newspapers that I was well prepared for their eventulità Cenn back soon .. like this because I do not know what will resist without you! .
Yes yes, so I like it.
See You Soon.
Tuesday, August 7, 2007
Lip Piercing White Bump Behind It
will also be self-referential, but I would like to award a prize .
Anyone who knows me knows that a good dose of scassacazzaggine on certain things, I never missed. When I me stubborn or hard on something, just for the heck of it , is even worse.
So here I feel I deserve, without a doubt and with an honorary award , the award for "the most asshole of the year" .. and we're only in August, which is saying something.
battles such as Beppe Grillo against Telecom, are the preliminaries of my war against that company and its call centers (taking all the fire in a collective embrace painful death ..).
who follows me from the beginning, you will recall the problems that had brought me to not post for fifteen days but not more than a month and a half ago : connection problems that lasted for several months culminated precisely with that period. the undersigned was forced to call every day the damned decerebration of the various operators call centers scattered around half of the 187 Italian , finding all kinds of people, even if the conversation was reduced essentially to a single type:
Operator: "Ready are Marco - Paola - Gino - Luca - Ermenegildo - Gianmarco - Piera - Trigisto - Gianfilippi - etc. .., can I help? "
Cenn : "Yes (No, I have called you to help you ..) , I have a problem in practice .. .. bla bla bla bla .. I think it's your own units and the fact that .. bla bla bla bla .. you say? "
O. " not, that can not hit anything, however I noticed that it has already reported three days ago and did make a request. I, the best I can do is to call for the prompt and tell you to wait another 48 hours. "
C. " But you only have the button on your keyboard to request reminders? No.. Why is now the twentieth reminder that I do and every time I get said that I have to wait at most 48 hours after call and I call for not breaking even after 72, but the problem I do not ever solve. I did, and did do everything I have said, then the problem is definitely for you. E 'two months I go on like this and this morning I sent a detailed letter Advocate office complaints. You have to refund me or I'll kill you every cent of the families .. "
O. " Well, I do not know what to say .. I can only do this .. "
C. " Bye and thanks .. "
O. " I can only advise you to go to the competition, maybe they do first because Telecom does not sail in good waters .. "
C. " .. no .. is different, if anything, Telecom does not surf! "Tuh tuh tuh
And indeed that could be a good solution , but I needed the challenge, stimulation, broken balls and was now too late to work it out easily .. I had balked and they had to pay , it seemed right.
Meanwhile, the technical problems were solved and also why was I to find the cause then they have communicated to the technical . Some
weeks later, I called the office claims for reimbursement on bargain, but now I realize that I to do with the stingy ever seen, that the Genoese in comparison seem all clones of the Sultan of Brunei . Eventually we are unable to agree, though not without difficulty, but I pretty confident, already anticipate the taste of victory .
In fact I was not entirely wrong:
- I would not get me a jinx on me crazy, but for now the line seems go (it's a month that the text and it's 2,4,8 or 20 mega I do not care about anything, I do not even want to know, just go ..)
- the bill arrived and to my great surprise I found this message " Warning: There is nothing to pay . In this she is a total telecom income to his credit that will refund the next Telecom Account Italy will send that. His previous accounts we are paid. Thank you. "In short this bill is completely free el yet another even in the near future will be deducted from the total bill , so ultimately I feel fully satisfied for what I got.
But then I was pretty confident because I know myself and I know that I never get tired easily and foot down on something if I can be annoyingly shit, though not always necessary to get lawyers to write letters, but sometimes, as a last card to play, pay.
then thank the Lord for making me infinitely patient and cagacazzi .
I dedicate this award to my family who supported me and I was always close, he supported my sacrifices and my hours of training.
words become so pain in the ass, not everyone is up, must train, study, refine the technique , stay focused and not fall if you do not get results . Yes, because you
only six, while they are in many .. are scattered throughout Italy and your phone calls if the divide hoping exhausted.
And that's where you should not give up .
And you if you ever have trouble with Telecom , invoked Cenn .. the champion of consumers.
Ps The nice thing is that I'm thinking of changing provider . sure that you have to be assholes but just to do a thing .
But both the award testifies .
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
Bunionectomy Timeline
If I'm not mistaken, in fact I'm not mistaken, there had spoken in this post.
not Lorenzo Lamas, of course.
I am almost three months I started this blog and so it is no time to make calculations and draw conclusions, because three months are very few, but maybe stop to think there's always a second time.
So I want to do is think a second with you, if you want segurimi:
- Abstract: Keep a blog is not easy, it takes every day different stimuli, new ideas, abundant spare time, etc. then a giant who has Sticazzi in the column on the right or left or wherever the f ** k you like an archive or part of the dawn of time, even autographed by the same person in the child Jesus. Yes because a post is a party: you write it, read it, fix it, reread it, fix it, shorten it, reread it, add stuff, the patches, it sucks, delete it, rewrite it, throwing the pc out the window, writing from the garden .. in short, anything but copy and paste: here (I speak for me) you use your head, you invent, you do not copy ..;
- technical and tactical considerations and aesthetic : found that the ideas are many and not confused in the head (like myself) to throw them down every day is a good thing, but here comes the best part: you must find your size blogger, in the sense that it is not that we can always just write what comes to mind otherwise everyone would read only ten lines long post written monosillabili or maybe several times a day also included the content almost proof "of elementary Child": one must therefore choose between quality and quantity and specialize in that area, although here the cool of the field I teach that it takes time to grasp their own vocation, to what has been brought about, what you do best and then like any self-respecting blog, my (being one the first to open) is therefore a kind of experiment, a way of getting into the blogosphere: a vast world of pure mechanistic calculation. Here, after three months instead more or less with a degree of continuity, I say that every day I discover new and different things, things I should do, it would be better to do, but recommend that all Cenn see well to avoid, perhaps out of laziness, perhaps because (considering this blog an experiment) does not believe in it, perhaps because they have not yet found its scope to expect from someone helpful tips on editorial policy to be pursued: Yes, because here are all the compliments and the only asshole who does not understand why this blog like I am. I, when I read my posts mica laugh, not find them interesting, not that I think are well written. I find them just a bunch of thoughts put down in the most chaotic and I know that do not follow a logical thread. But someone seems to like it own, then maybe you are just ideas that I do when I read other blogs, why would I think less and continue on this path without crashing the Maronites so alone. E 'but this is the time when I am reminded of one of those proverbs that I have always denied that "The clothes do not make the Monaco. " yes ok, if you have the template coolest in the world but the contents are what that may be true, but if, as in my case, the contents seem to like (let's pretend the so ..) but the blog is Lorenzo Lamas in person, it is not true at all. As Lorenzo Lamas?! Yes, I remember the protagonist of "Renegade"? What beautiful and damned it, because had a tan all year long, greasy hair, four muscles around the body and pulled two kicks Chuck Norris shivered every time, was considered just beautiful and damned? Yes, beautiful and damned (among other things, only for women in the role of "renegade sweating"), but dressed as a slob both off the set, a sort of forced of America. See, my blog is a little like this: beautiful and damned in the content, but so lout and unkempt appearance. It will also read some nice things, but it would be better if they were made even more enjoyable: a template for the right ones and well chosen to attract the attention of visitors and represent me, one of those so that you do get to my blog without fatigue (one of those things there for RSS feeds, in other words .. you get the go by .. ..), Blogbabel a profile, a profile Technorati, a Creative Commons license that list there, that prick there and I could go on forever. All these things are not more things, but perhaps the basic things that you have to know your blog to others. Because when you see around saying "Click here", "Click here", "Throw the Pippolos", "Strucco the button", etc are not wasting time, but these things combine business with pleasure: the visitor presses a left and right buttons seemingly meaningless but serve to move from one section to another or to subscribe to feeds of this blog. Why a blog is basically a bit like a dress to the tailor-made: you must be just, must be done must be paid to you and only you that way .. I do not know if you get the idea. In short, is something so personal in content and should also risppechiare blogger in exteriority, aesthetics. And in short, I broke the balls of Blogspot and this template will be "the essential which is not bad" but in the long run even he tired me. Perhaps why, when I crossed the line, I'll change the platform looking for something less constricting: ok, I already know that migiore it would migrate to WordPress and get a domain of my own, but I want to make more experience before opening a blog of my own (custom as I say and where to aim for pure quality and no more junk mail that might still I write but that time will learn to avoid me), perhaps because, deep down in my project blog, as I said before, I do not believe at all, or at least not enough to make as big a step. I do not claim something, but at least a little more order and a better template, or at least a header that reflects me, only I do not know anything about HTML and I think he does a Blogspot post to break my balls with his tag owners. Obviously then, the new blog (At the end almost everyone has had more blogs before the final one: a kind of apprenticeship) will have all those things that I just mentioned above, all those buttons that seem unnecessary to be able to click and I hope to be able to customize a little bit because for me will, as expected, a value higher than this (it will be still an experiment but an experiment passed to a second phase of development, before finding the formula that so I try ..)
- we draw the conclusions ( a quick way to avoid reading all the above short papyrus) : as someone who visits me I have, I want to give them the best I can to thank them. We thus require revolutions, even though I know very well what I do: I will study anyway and put down a plan over the next few days to figure it out and maybe I will start to contact boffins at random to ask for help and information (if someone wants to offer, to find the right way: enough a photocopy of identity card, social security number, and three bulletins from 100 € to be sent to each account in the Cayman Islands that will supply ..) so that you have understood the situation. Meanwhile, all sorts of veiled advice to answer the questions that I littered the post, is welcome.
So, as you'll see, I feel so much a mix between an old-style Blogger 1.0 (for technologies that use) Lorenzo Lamas and clothing (for the appearance of the blog).
A bit like when in school the teachers told our parents' His son has the opportunity but does not apply. .
is yes, exactly.
Saturday, July 28, 2007
Does Waxing Eyebrows Change Appearance
Since I have a driver's license, touring far and wide, I think I saw a little all.
On the streets you can meet a variety of different individuals and diverse that we can carry out a comprehensive study of human diversity (no no, racism has nothing to do ..). Only
obviously not around long enough to have explored all the knowledge on "how to kill time in queue on the motorway. "
Brescia east, an accident involving six vehicles including cars and trucks.
Nothing serious apparently.
Apart bestiemme echoing the drivers involved ( Legend has it that the inhabitants of the fourth quarter Oggiaro Milan have picked up, albeit faintly ..).
No deaths, however, a few wounded.
Only problem: cars, auto parts, spare dignity, pieces of glass pieces of cagatechecisiportaquandosivaallago , pieces of shit trying to go even if it is mathematically possible for the three lanes were scattered in order random and chaotic, and so began to hang around and create that cap that would later become, a little later, longer tail I've ever seen in my life (that not even Big Ben to "Thieves" and for "The Valley of the Kings").
where I am.
not to Gardaland, but in the queue.
doing so, you , poor driver with balls turn (because in reality, few are worried that there before, miles away, where you see small flashing Lucette, is not nothing serious happened ..) you have to go the time, because you already know to guess that it will take an infinite thanks to the quad driver in shock-policeman-driver of the ambulance-doctor carroattrezzi (the latter three otherwise referred to as " saltami want to work on him, you and I can not work! ).
But beware, here comes the fun part, a point of the story: the variables are desert heat, people splashed behind the wheel, tail mileage brat who screams like hell of Dante's Inferno, windshield and leather seats that convert cars in a furnace for the chalk, the stress of a day to beat for a square meter on the beach, the sweat that permeates the body now exhausted, lack of a source of music and / or air conditioning, etc. , coexisting or occurring separately, to make a difference.
The possibilities are more or less the following (the ones I have seen):
- air conditioning if you're blessed and you will find a nice diversion in the music while sipping your cocktail with the umbrella ;
- the radio, but if you're sweating like a builder of Bergamo nervously tapping his fingers on the steering wheel at a pace very different from what the music requires ;
- if you have a child who screams like a banshee, opts for 'infanticide, beating strong strong skull Marco and Silvia (all so called eh ..) on horns (there are Ever wonder why you hear honk repeatedly knowing that is useless if not to trigger a chain of S. Antonio beep beep? Here is the answer ..)
- outbursts you things like "But porcaputt .." or "But see if this had happened to me too .." ;
- if you try your all or do you light a cigarette, or if you do not smoke, beginning at that time by sealing the windows and carrying a tube attached to the exhaust inside the car ;
- 's last chance is in taking the time available for cleaning seasonal scaccoli you with fingers that look like corkscrews to find out so much stuff you can get to get out and do so astonished faces .
is yes.
we draw conclusions.
One who, listening to loud music, smoking a cigarette with one hand and the other was for a long while boorish scaccolando sweat ran seemed to be melting, I had never seen .
Before yesterday .
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Best Mid-priced Av Receiver
In the life of a blogger (virtual life I mean) comes sooner or later it's time to make a post points, which usually serves to list of things that have happened and that you wants to give importance and space individually: # 1
two thousand visits reached ('ll look punk but they are also a few for me) # 2
the blog started to be filled comments, anonymous visitors, known and unknown individuals of all races and species and is therefore taking life
# 3 Gryphius pointed me here and hope that someone will click on it, while I thank him
# 4 Last but not least, quite the opposite: visits yesterday, are literally sketched towards' up (something that, following yesterday, does not happen again ..) thanks to someone
- The reason the item # 4 will explain it with simple words: I was adopted .
- The who point # 4 will explain this: a beautiful and very nice girl named Batgirl.
- as the point # 4 (as there was no point in # 4? Well I put the same, otherwise what the hell I bought the poetic license to do on eBay?) I'll explain it this way: this pretty girl has commented positively on Monday one of my posts .. contacted me shortly after .. bla bla bla bla .. " Cenn I adopt you! " .. Cenn fainted, hit his head, stroke .. Trill trill Trill (You can not make too many rings to your contact, so just ok? Ok?) .. Cenn rinviene .. bla bla bla bla .. " Thanks, but are you sure? Aka me? Just me? Look .. ".." Yes yes, I have talked to my pops and I I sign the certificate of trust .. ".. bla bla bla bla .." I am happy but the figure of the crap you do if .. ".. bla bla bla bla for hours and hours in which almost try to convince her to give up but she surely was beside himself, he insisted, and this is the result: advertising blogghistica [from what I've found have been My a lurker (that is my Batgirl a visitor, you realize?): What makes me laugh at first because at least I also visited his blog and not commenting on the second because my eyes would tear counter visits so as not to see her] on his wonderful blog ( the post dedicated to me this is , while in column the left, under " Brad, I adopted a blogger! ", your reference is present as the first and only on the roster so ..).
That girl is kind and patient and then I see not disappoint.
I could say a thousand things, but they would all be in vain: thanks worth a thousand speeches also because such a gesture does not happen every day. And you
blogstars, Laugh Hearing such a speech but yet think, I for one, that there are people around who writes much better, finally someone who appreciates what I do and I found myself keep it close , because these as the title .. am eh satisfaction.
Believe it or not, to me they are. The
are because those who know me know that this blog was born unpretentious and objectives that the undersigned and without knowing the slightest thing were these web-log and now finds himself to take his first steps with someone who helps him after walking on all fours, only the first want you to see walking alone, riding without wheels, to give you confidence and visibility were the ones who do not know .
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Kenwood Vr-5080 Volume Problem
course was not the ' anchiloartrosi spondritica to keep me away from this blog and I hope it does, soon.
order Are you wondering: How the fuck
1 nods to know all these diseases?
2 has suffered?
3 It now suffers? The
4 wished someone or something?
And I would answer in the order: 1
do not know if the disease exists (otherwise I would have put a link espilcativo, no?) because it was obtained by combining 2-3 words in the event that seemed to effect
2 do not know if the disease exists (otherwise I would have put a link espilcativo, no?), because it was obtained by combining 2-3 words at random that seemed to effect
3 do not know if the disease exists (otherwise I would have put a link espilcativo, no?), because it was obtained by combining 2-3 words in case that seemed to effect
4 I do not know even if the disease exists (otherwise I would have put a link espilcativo, no?), because it was obtained by combining 2-3 words in the event that seemed to effect
Fine engraved
But more serious reasons but , but never too , as in the rest of my style.
are things like this to keep me awake at night and away from the keyboard, made me realize how beautiful my city . With a story like that could not be considered one of the most beautiful cities in the world, one of the most romantic .. then refresh your memory:
Warning: below is revealed at all, or part ( depends on how you read the fucking book ), the plot ( this! ).
In the prologue, the choir tells the audience how two noble families of Verona , the Montagues and the Capulets, have been opposed for generations and that "the fatal loins of two enemies follows a pair of lovers, born under bad stars" , whose tragic suicide end the conflict.
The first act begins with a street brawl between the servants of the two families, interrupted by the Prince of Verona , which declares responsible for any further confrontation with their own lives, the leaders of the two families and then disperse the crowd. Paris, a young nobleman, has asked the Capulets to give him his daughter fourteen year old Juliet. Capulet asks him to get his attention during the masked ball of the next day, while her mother, Juliet tries to convince her to accept the offers of Paris. This scene introduces Juliet's nurse, the comic element of drama. Romeo, meanwhile, is in love with Rosaline, a Capulet (character who never appears). Mercutio (Romeo's friend and joined the Prince) and Benvolio (Romeo's cousin) trying in vain to divert his melancholy Romeo, and then decide to go masked to the house of the Capulets, have fun and try to forget. Romeo, Rosaline, which he hopes to see the ball, instead he meets Juliet.
The two men exchanged a few words, but these are sufficient to make them fall in love with each other and kissing. Before the dance ends, the Nurse tells Juliet as Romeo, and (separately) vice versa. Romeo, risking his life, remains in the garden after the Capulet party, and in the famous balcony scene, the two declare their love and decide to marry in secret. The next day, with the help of the Authority, the Franciscan Friar Laurence marries Romeo and Juliet, hoping to bring peace between the two families through their union.
Things fall when Tybalt, Juliet's cousin and irascible temperament, he meets and tries to provoke Romeo to a duel. Romeo refuses to fight against one who is now also his cousin, but Mercutio (unaware of this) to the challenge. Trying to separate them, Romeo inadvertently allows Tybalt Mercutio's wound, dies wishing that "the plague in both your families." Romeo, in anger, kills Tybalt. Prince condemns Romeo to just ' exile (because Mercutio was his kinsman and Romeo has only revenge) will leave the city before dawn the following day. The couple manage to get together one night of love. At dawn, awakened by the song the lark, the herald of the morning (that would be the night song of the nightingale), separate and Romeo flees to Mantua .
Juliet should marry but after three days with Paris. Brother Lorenzo, an expert in medicinal herbs, gives Juliet a potion that will lead to an apparent death by forty-eight hours. Meanwhile, the Friar sends a messenger to inform Romeo so that he can reach it when he wakes up and flee to Mantua .
Unfortunately, the messenger of the friar does not reach Romeo because Mantova is under quarantine for the plague , and Romeo learns from a servant of the family of Juliet's funeral (inconsistency in an interesting story: how he was the servant to return to Mantua after witnessing the "funeral" of Juliet?). Romeo gets a poison, returns to Verona in secret, and forwards in the Capulet crypt, determined to join Juliet in death.
Romeo, after killing Paris in a duel, which he had arrived in crypt, and he looked tenderly Juliet one last time, is poisoned by saying the famous line "And so with a kiss I die" (Act 5 Scene III ). When Juliet wakes up, finding her lover dead beside her and Paris, he stabs with the dagger Romeo.
In the final scene, the two families and the Prince rush to the grave, where Friar Lawrence reveals the love and secret marriage of Romeo and Juliet. The two families, as anticipated in the prologue, are reconciled by the blood of their sons, and put an end to their war.
Thank you for your kind cooperation Wikipedia .
A short story that everyone knows but no one knows exactly , in particular, a story that everyone has dreamed at least once .. Juliet as a love, a love so deep, so sincere, so total.
So there you got a fucking , but honestly to me that I care?
enough that at least I know what I wrote and I'm all right, without a lot of slamming.
But since you've caught the bottadicultura , also leave you fucked : a conversation occurred between me and Fabio on MSN messenger between 00:26 and 00:32 on 24-year-current month-current AC that could be entitled "Night before the exam" .
Carried verbatim :
Cenn writes (0.26):
Rosaline, Benvolio?? but names are? ever heard in Romeo and Juliet .. are there?
son cœur est un luth suspendu: sitôt qu'on touche on the résonne writes (00:27):
I would not be wrong, but should be the former Rosaline and Benvolio in Romeo and Benvolio, I do not remember, Juliet's cousin romeo kills after he had killed Mercutio
Cenn writes (00:27): no
Benvolio and Mercutio's cousin and Romeo's friend
Cenn writes (0.28):
Tybalt is Juliet's cousin
son cœur est un luth suspendu: sitôt qu'on touche on the résonne writes (0.28):
right, Tybalt ...
Cenn writes (0.28):
shakespeare kill
son cœur est un luth suspendu: sitôt qu'on touche on the résonne writes (0.28):
if not already dead ... is a great ... do not hate him just because you read the book!
Cenn writes (0.29):
the resurrected and I kill him
am cœur est un luth suspendu: sitôt qu'on touche on the résonne writes (0.29) is a genius
Cenn writes (0.30):
it goes straight to the blog ..
son cœur est un luth suspendu: sitôt qu'on touche on the résonne writes (0.30):
Cenn writes (0.31):
the discussion .. six live on the blog .. have also signed a release
son cœur est un luth suspendu: sitôt qu'on touche on the résonne writes (0.31):
ok ... you have news from my lawyer ... then I am ... and do not have a degree ... fuck!
Cenn writes (0.32):
good .. write me .. Sometimes I like telecom .. I do not answer .. oh .. I'm dead and resurrected back to study .. after ..
son cœur est un luth suspendu: sitôt qu'on touche on the résonne writes (0.32):
after CIA
not funny?
From director tell me that here lately I just laugh.
Go fuck you. All
Hihihiihihihiiihiihiihihi ( evil laugh).
And then two 30 in one morning I had never taken.
short, Juliet and give me a lift up the world.
Friday, July 20, 2007
What Makeup Do You Use To Make Face Shiny
Thursday, July 19, 2007
How To Find Nvidia Series
There is absolutely no place to hold discussions of this political argument nor I ever will express views on, especially in a public place like a blog. I just found
extremely funny in this movie itself, regardless of whether it is one or the other to be right or wrong.
do not know if there is the consideration of the left, but I guess not.
Well you get the word to those who do not like that , accept this travesty of famous spot for the new Fiat with a smile.
Life is a collection of places and people who write the time. Our time. We grow and mature collecting these experiences. These are then going to define us. Some are more important than others, because they form our character. They teach us the difference between what is right and what is wrong. The difference between good and evil. What to be and what not to be. They teach us who we become. In all this, some people, some things are bound to us so natural and inextricable. We express and support their realization. We justify being authentic and real. And if you really mean something inspired by the way the world changes and evolves. And then belong to us all. And no. belongs to all of us.
Ah, if they were to be kept cool, I'll try to find a PC from which post in prison.
Do not worry, not write "My Prisons" .. nor those of Silvio Pellico, nor those of Fabrizio Corona .. nor those of Cenn.
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
How To Give A Dog A Shot Of Penicilin
Subtitle: too sleepy by the method Cenn ..
I already understood that what awaits me, tonight, is a long ordeal.
I just can not sleep, though I should.
Oh well, everyone needs to, but I more.
thing worse I can not even make me come some thoughts soporific.
Location: porch.
Panorama : sky starry that better than that you could not ask.
Tools : computer , cup mug " It's all about me " carboy to five gallons of the lemon , pads and pencil (why do so many writers in for inspiration ..).
Possible actions: to try to write something here or wander aimlessly network.
But then I realize that many things :
- is very late.
- I sleep.
- what the fuck is to have a notepad that does so much scrittoreincercadiispirazione if there is anyone who can see?
- what the fuck am I doing out of the house there are 49 degrees in the shade (but if it's night?) when I'll have a refrigerator and an air conditioner ready to embrace passionately ?
- how the hell I found myself there on the veranda though now I regret to be here?
- mosquitoes elected me "Target delll'anno" .
But I who am the son of a bitch who have icontrato, I have not scratched any of their bites .
And so I shall have my revenge : with selfless do into the house, take the Autan , vent cap, to me the entire contents on , point all the lights in my direction and expect to spray antiinsettimalefici can do his duty.
Porto patience a few minutes.
Start with the body count .
And as with the sheep, after a while, I fell asleep .
What do you say will work?
Ps - If you get eaten alive by mosquitoes poisoned, I thank you all for your kind attention given me during these two months and broken.
Ps 2 - McGyver in terms of creativity makes me a blowjob.
Monday, July 16, 2007
Rubber Bath Mats Without Suction Cups
I've always wondered if sooner or later close planet Earth in a glass case and will operate those conditioners giants that NASA keeps us hidden from who knows what.
Well if they're going to do, which is sbrighino because here you die.
I decided to move in the refrigerated meat at the supermarket , so if you are looking for me, you know where to find me.
In the remote event of a sudden collapse, I borrow one of those cold rooms where they put the dead to the morgue . I hope so
in moderate turnout of corpses or not find the place.
Saturday, July 14, 2007
How To Make A Wwe Real Scale Ring
Tg1 television news has always been the Italians, Italy ( etc etc), because the first created and why it is always room to keep intact, with his robe, the criterion of absolute objectivity ( etc etc blah blah blah ).
has just aired a service where a gas station ( with a clear emphasis Roman ) commented that an accident occurred not far from its service area located on the motorway
"But you see them 'sti guys they move from here to refueling, they do vomit sur yard, go .. are 'mbriaghi, without lost .. and then when they see how it goes .. .