Thursday, October 25, 2007

Supposed To Start My Period Brownish Mucus

Take two fat guys with a shovel

I noted with pleasure sadistic [ because I'm a real bastard ] that almost all of the blogosphere as I am concerned closely , remained dry posts for a relatively long period [ although it is not right along, we do that everything is relative ]. I say this to point out here that I miss from October 5, but is not that the others have produced a number of posts crazy and outrageous as to force you to hours of daily reading crazy [ and blame game all the friendships grown in recent months ]. Yes
here .. maybe I exaggerated a bit with the holidays, but or here we were all asleep and we were awakened mass between yesterday and today with the sole objective of creating a post for less readable or no one knew that writing or, more plausibly, each had their cocks to do . Cenn for example, in addition to have fallen into a deep mystical crisis that led him to not knowing what to write beautiful, did not see the shadow of a PC except for a few minutes a day in this period because he had something else to think : I wish to state that instead of you all, my beloved readers , I thought every second of my existence [ hoping that if the drink ] (oops, maybe I could have avoided the last parentheses).
But I also understand that my twenty days without a post , must be a heartbreaking thing a nerve: a thing that slays in [ but as I'm good and modest, I ].
No, because if not, here always feel like the only one never to be a dick and I pull the cart blogosphere we always think the other . And since I know that there are definitely missed, here I am writing a post on this "blank page syndrome " I find myself in this period. Or better not to write nothing: follow me here comes the fun part. Since
still do not know exactly what to write, why not "take two fatties with a shovel " writing a post that combines business with pleasure?
That is, you miss my post? Well, write it .
And since you miss my post , not for whatever strange reason, but simply because every time I come here you find yourself reading the same way for too long [ title that among other things broke well me], here's a post filler.
E 'twenty-five lines that turn around nothing (as a student who can not answer the question of the professor), because in reality this did not post a topic has no task was created with the sole intention of taking up space and useless , not to talk about nothing does not of itself [ the maximum of self ] and to deny rumors that they gave me for dead or worse, I described how a machine sparapost .
If you're wondering when I get to the point .. Well the answer is alas negative: there is no point to be addressed and if there was, find him alone because surely you have already addressed a few lines ago.
With this, over and out because I think I have too much advantage of your patience.

[ ... ] my personal account
(...) fact

Friday, October 5, 2007

Essence Of Beauty, Toronto

Rand (m) The misadventures of a small Venetian

Subtitle: Why I do it I know a parcel of Venice .. and will prove this.

1. Venice is a city so elegant , what are your visitors boor. The average tourist who wanders the city has usually look like this: hat, vest stolen from the Spring / Summer 2008 line of designer Edilponteggi Bergamo di Sotto, pants fabric is not well defined, but the important thing is that it is short, gray sock foam when it becomes clear that MAVIDA sweat has the advantage of becoming an elegant two-tone style sock with salt and pepper, sandalwood imitation of the original model San Francisco, possibly autographed by the saint himself, and then a simple backpack mountain the size of a chest of drawers. Ah, the subject being described can not explain why they can not have free access to churches .

2. indigenous people (the site) is very strange : Dodge, cold and if you see difficulty in the declines responsibility in case, maybe gives you directions and approximate unconvincing. It should then always own head and not to trust:

Cenn " Excuse me, I should go .. "
Native : "Look, or here or here for eight .. comes to us tonight .. "
Cenn " Yes, thanks to the cock while they are only two! "
When you arrive you think to yourself ironically" The beginner's luck .. think that ass! .

3. Without boat , gondolas and boats various Venice would not be the city we know , if only because in every city in the world do the "car-free Sundays ", while in Venice the "vaporetto free Sundays" is utopia.

4. I think the City council has launched an importation of illegal foreign (for Venetian doc is simply an alien who arrives in Venice from the Liberty Bridge), because it is full of beautiful tose, but no is the place.

5. I have not seen anyone greet someone and the only two who did, have given this greeting: "Yo brother ..". And that is saying something.

6. There the same percentage of thefts that we find in Naples : I attended three muggings in half an hour, not to mention that as usual, no one has done anything, that the objectives are always the older people and yell "Al thief! "does not do shit. Just to debunk some urban legend .

7. The phrase " Bel raCazzone, 54 Ni, only activists, 329xxxxxxx, call ", read in the bathroom of Saint Lucia Station in Venice, left me quite dumbfounded .

8. I did half way back with a English gentleman sitting across from me who had the device for the hearing, the shirt stained with gravy, a bird shit on the bag as big as his hand, but that looked vaguely JR of Dallas. Do you not?

No. 9. As a souvenir could choose between four things :
  1. gondolier's hat
  2. thimble ceramic depicting the Bridge of Sighs
  3. glass ball with snow in Venice
  4. head of the Ponte dei Scalzi pigeon (though not is Piazza San Marco, it remains prestigious)
What do you think I brought home?

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Cross The Pacific In A Power Boat


My relationship with the disease has always been excellent . Yes in short .. there was always treated with respect : I let them stay and vice versa, although a visit every now and then was a must.
say that before this year, I get sick about once every 3-4 years : need to clarify that the time I was sick dicks bitter, because even when everyone was wrong I was the only healthy, but when I was sick all had colds and I broncoencefalite lethargic acute end-stage chronic . Now I
noticed that it was completely upside down In fact I have already gone 3-4 this year diseases and are also lucky because they were all in the acute stage and therefore treatable only through bites. This also because I get sick when I follow the path that is more or less the following :
- Day " But it does not matter .. it's just a bit of cough and headache .. "
- Second day " the end they only hurt me a little weak bones and I feel cold ..? "
- Day Three: " I think that if I did the analysis find traces of blood in the hours phlegm .. but it will pass .. "
- Day Four:" Mom, I have visions of the best known of the biblical characters and do not believe that the Archangel Gabriel and I have also said that expecting a child, but I do not know if he or whoever .. better call the doctor, you say? .
The doctor arrives, sticks a spoon in my throat, shoots four bullshit, I say to his feet, asking me if I prefer stings or pastigile (specifying that the choice involves different periods of recovery), prescribes medication and then leaves recommending to be more careful.
I swear in all languages \u200b\u200bI know , I resign myself to stitch for the umpteenth time, my ass thank you and I hope to feel better as soon as possible.
Well, I was around the turn of this new disease: the laryngo pharyngitis bronchitis.
Yes, because among other things, think I have the power to resurrect disease disappeared for centuries to merge or 2:00 to 3:00 in order to create new and innovative combinations : in short, making them develop into something bigger, invent diseases . And that is saying something.
But at this point is due learn more about this strange disease .
I say this so that you can imagine what the state is giving birth to this post: more pieces of trash remain the way I look at Heidi rosy cheeks, red nose to the Sbirulino band and burgundy (soaked in ice water for fever) Rambo .
The symptoms and effects of the disease rather have: a fever of 38.2 ° C , head would explode but it remains to haunt me on the neck, a bad cough and continues resounding right in the middle of the chest, throat that resembles a bagpipe and swollen to finish (not recommended for impressionable definition ) phlegm coming out from everywhere . In short, I have whether or not the force of a Mop Vileda after it was in the bathroom uilizzato Brembo service area near Milan.
care instead: six beautiful bites antibiotics for more and apprezzabilissimi tattoo on my butt and six tablets of Prednisone , just to feel a little VIP (Very Important Patient).

And just to confirm my theory: it is true that they are aware of other cases of illness in this period .. but because everyone has a cold and not me?
anyone have an answer to this question?

ill consider positive only for one reason: you lose a pound doing nothing, from the comfort of bed.
deeply I hate to stay in bed doing nothing.